*All used kite sales are considered final. We do our best to accurately describe the condition of each item. If you have further questions, please feel free to give us a call at 321.252.5483. If you decide you do not wish to keep the kite upon receiving it, it must be shipped back (at your cost) within 2 business days of receiving it. We will then issue a refund (minus our shipping cost) once we receive and inspect the kite. We will not accept returns once the item has been used on your end. Enjoy!
What the team at Kiteboarding Closeouts thinks: We’ve been providing great kite info and reviews for the past 13 years and are excited to tell you about the Cabrinha’s new 2020 options.
The 2020 Switchblades continues the tradition of the ultimate control and ultimate all-around, does-it-all, go-to kite. If you’re torn about which kite get, you won’t be disappointed with the Switchblade. It boosts great with great control, feels really stable, relaunches easily, stays in the sky and now has even stronger materials.
Whether you like to play in the surf or prefer to kite in the buttery smooth shallows, the Cabrinha Switchblade inflatable kite can create the perfect power for any type of board you ride (twin tip, directional, foil boards). Its unique design fits all riding styles (freestyle, freeride, big air).
This kite has a flexible design and can be used with previous generation bars.
This kite has continuously been the go to kite for our instructors. It is simple and easy to fly and control upon launch and landing. After the lessons, you will see them boosting (nearly out of the bindings) to the moon on them. Got a question about the 2020 switchblade kite? Feel free to contact us about Cabrinha kites. You can reach us at
Need more info on packages, options or spare parts? We can help!
Switchblade Kite Info:
Sizes available: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14
3 strut, Moderate aspect ratio hybrid design, Reactive wing tip, Fast, lean and efficient profiles
For riders who appreciate versatile, predictable kite performance, for any type of riding in a wide range of conditions.
Not sure if the Switchblade is for you? The Moto kite from Cabrinha smashes all conventional thinking. This versatile Freeride / Crossover kite is light to the touch and provides a precise and linear power delivery. The lighter weight and quick response is made possible with its 3 strut hybrid plan form.
Design Info:
5 strut, Hybrid design, Fusion wing tip shape, Draft forward profile
The discerning rider who values unrivaled predictability and uncompromising high end performance. For those that want style, power, performance and craftsmanship. If there is one kite that completely defines the essence of kiteboarding… it’s the Switchblade. The Switchblade’s reputation for being the world’s highest performance freeride kite not only comes from the thousands of customers who hail its praise, but from its long heritage of competition wins and records broken. But what’s most amazing about the Switchblade is that all this performance comes in one of the easiest to use packages. Its balance and power delivery make this kite light to the touch and simple to fly. Whether you are working on your freestyle game or testing your limits in getting incredible air, the Switchblade will deliver with a class of predictability and reliability that can not be found anywhere else.
• NEW Nano Ripstop canopy, the new bench mark in durability, stability & responsiveness • NEW Optimized Dacron layout for reduced weight & improved handling characteristics • Pure Arc Segments – Increased LE segments for smooth high definition aerodynamic arc • Pure profile panels for efficient aerodynamics
• Strategic canopy reinforcements in the high stress areas
• High Tenacity Dacron for enhanced arc stability
• Most versatile kite in the range
• Excellent for your style: freeride, surf, freestyle and foiling
• No pulley bridle for a more direct steering input and feedback
• Light bar pressure and fast steering
• 3 strut lightweight design

• NEW Nano Ripstop canopy, the new bench mark in durability, stability & responsiveness • NEW Optimized Dacron layout for reduced weight & improved handling characteristics • High Tenacity Dacron for enhanced arc stability
• Strategic canopy reinforcements in the high stress areas
• Pure Profile Panels for efficient aerodynamics
• Ultimate performance in the widest range of conditions and variety of riding styles
• Ridiculously high hang times
• Large sweet spot and smooth on demand power control
• Excellent upwind performance
• Swept leading edge for effortless relaunch
• IKA Registered for sizes 7, 9 & 11

Product Code: K0KOSWTCH
Need more help? Reach out to us about virtually anything: reviews, boards, foil only concerns, etc.